Sebastien Hug
CEO, Swissnex
"The collaboration with Irina was outstanding, her support helped us immensely in building the foundations for the program, her expertise of Bangalore's social innovation community is excellent and she brought a lot of sharp thinking, creative ideas and experience to the table. We can recommend her to anyone looking for guidance and connections in the education and social innovation space.”
Umesh Malhotra
CEO, Hippocampus
"Irina is very intelligent, quick to learn and has a very strong perspective on things. I could always go to her for an opinion and receive really good thoughts. I liked working with her and she did make a substantial contribution in the 18 months she worked with us."
Akshay Saxena
CEO, Avanti
"Irina has an exceptional understanding of social entrepreneurship and working with change leaders to build their organizations. I have leaned on Ira for advice and support throughout our journey at Avanti and have found her insight, ability to tie in examples from other practitioners and networks in the sector incredibly helpful."
Solomon Prakash
Serial Social Entrepreneur
"It was a delight to see how well Irina understood the overall needs of Ashoka, identify and understand the process of finding social entrepreneurs and defining new innovations. She is also a team player while being relentless in pursuing her outcomes. She is ethical and can be trusted to always pursue the interests of the organization, beyond roles and responsibilities."
Piyush Tewari
CEO, SaveLife Foundation
"Irina is one of the most efficient yet compassionate professionals I’ve ever met. Her ability to embrace diversity and transcend cultures in her work is simply outstanding and provides her the unique ability to get through people and processes with ease."
Maria Clara Pinhero
Global Fellowship Director, Ashoka
"Irina played an important role in growing, diversifying and strengthening the network of social entrepreneurs in India. She knows how to build partnerships to support the growth of ideas, programs and teams."
Chitra Rao
Education Consulatant
''I worked closely with Irina at Hippocampus, during the startup and launch of the School Program which was a new business line. Ira played a strong role in defining the business model from scratch, defining and detailing out the marketing strategy, developing a partnership model for HLC's engagement with schools and developing systems and processes leading to the launch of 4 full schools.''
Joshua Dean
Behavioral and Development Economist
"Another academic and I worked with Irina to set up an evaluation of Hippocampus Learning Centers. Irina was critical in getting the collaboration off the ground. She organized the first brainstorming meetings, helped us settle on a design that was both useful to Hippocampus and academically interesting, and facilitated communication during implementation. She's a joy to work with, and the project couldn't have happened without her."